Data sheets

In this section we provide you with all information on all isorocket® product series as compact data sheets. File type: PDF

Accessories / spare parts

CAD data

In this section we provide you with selected details for your CAD applications as DWG and DXF files. File type: ZIP (DXF, DWG)

Tender texts

For the best possible service, the online database offers architects and planners a modern way of using product-related tender texts. All common data formats are available for download.

Assembly instructions

We have created detailed installation instructions for the individual anchor types, which you can download as a PDF file. Alternatively, you can also watch the instructions as a video. File type: PDF

DIBT approval

Play it safe. isorocket is the only permanent anchor system that is approved for concrete and masonry. Due to its 2-part design, isorocket is generally completely independent of the fixing base. File type: PDF


System components

File type: PDF