Alsterufer the 10, Hamburg
Perfection can be seen as the leitmotif for the entire ensemble. The location directly on the south-western bank of the Outer Alster is one of the most exclusive in the city. The substance of the 40-year-old building was retained as far as was sensible and necessary. And supplemented and perfected to such an extent that it will still be considered a statement in the future. It will therefore come as no surprise that the materials and craftsmanship are of the very highest standard. To ensure that the building remains state of the art in the future, the façade must not be allowed to wear out over the years. It was therefore logical to opt for the isorocket as a permanent scaffolding anchor. The unique design of the permanent scaffolding anchor ensures a perfect finish at façade level without damaging the façade during installation or subsequent reuse. Almost 80 isorocket® MAXI Concrete anchors were installed in the building and now ensure safety and a long-lasting façade.