Company owner Franz Wessendorf and PHWT President Prof. Bölke, together with project manager Gregor Korte and foreman Seeliger from Moorkamp Bauunternehmen GmbH, presented the “isorocket®” façade anchor, which will be installed at the ZME. The isorocket®s are used to install anchors in the façade in advance, to which scaffolding can later be attached without having to intervene in the façade with a high risk of damage. The company Wessendorf Systembeschichtungen, together with the Oldenburger Münsterland Transfer Center and the companies Merkutec from Dinklage and Irmler from Drebber as well as PHWT, has developed a scaffolding anchor and won the 3rd prize of the Lower Saxony Innovation Network 2016 for this cooperation between companies and the university, which was presented by Olaf Lies, Minister of Economics, Labour and Transport. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike Horeschi carried out the strength analysis for the PHWT using the finite element method (FEM). This enabled Professor Horeschi to determine the magnitude and distribution of stresses and deformations in the assembly and make recommendations regarding the dimensioning of some components. This project is an excellent example of how PHWT not only works with companies to train young people in the dual study program and provide further training for employees, but also to solve technical problems together with the companies as a competent partner.
This example clearly demonstrates PHWT’s close ties with the regional economy, true to the motto “From the region for the region”. However, this also applies to the construction of the ZME: here, PHWT also attaches great importance to the involvement of companies from the region. Prof. Bölke and Gregor Korte are delighted that 80% of the total construction work has already been put out to tender and the construction costs are absolutely on target.