How can isorocket® support sustainable building?
Alongside the choice of materials, energy efficiency is the key element for sustainable construction. The façade, as the interface between inside and outside, contributes significantly to the energy efficiency of a building through its design. This is where isorocket® comes into play to ensure that the entire façade system is sustainably intact and functional.

As a permanent scaffolding anchor system, isorocket® not only ensures that the façade is not damaged during the manufacturing process, but also guarantees that it remains permanently intact. The fixed anchor points can be reused again and again for every repair or overhaul:
- No redefinition of anchor points
- No re-drilling
- No re-insertion of dowels
- No removal of plaster or dismantling of façade elements
- No resealing of drill holes
- No damage to the existing façade
- Re-occupy at any time without re-checking
Sustainability requires a change in our behavior and our way of thinking, i.e. in the case of façade protection, that we stop repeatedly transforming the building envelope into a “Swiss cheese” over the years in an unplanned manner and thus increasingly impairing its functionality. When we consider that wall construction and wall formers have become increasingly complex, elaborate and varied over time, isorocket® offers invaluable protection and security for decades to come:
Façade protection couldn’t be more sustainable!