Interview with Dipl.-Ing. Theo Schmies (Structural Engineering/SiGe Coordination)
Mr. Schmies, inadequate scaffolding often leads to shutdowns/delays in construction projects. Why is scaffolding still such a weak point?
Theo Schmies: “You have to look at two types of construction site here. Construction sites where a tender has been issued in advance and the architect is responsible for site management are generally unproblematic. There are enough architectural firms that already take into account the health and safety requirements for scaffolding in their tenders. Problems arise on construction sites where site management is carried out by the client or by the contractors themselves. Here, the need for correct scaffolding erection is not always recognized.”
Mr. Schmies, what measures are urgently needed here?
Theo Schmies: “In my view, the control mechanisms are actually in place. There is a lack of sufficiently trained personnel in the companies.”
Mr. Schmies, how can a permanent scaffolding anchor such as isorocket® contribute to greater safety here?
Theo Schmies: “If the users are instructed properly, there are hardly any sources of error thanks to the perfectly coordinated system and simple installation.”
Mr. Schmies, in your opinion, what specific advantages does the permanent scaffolding anchor offer for the safety of people and property?
Theo Schmies: “The safety for people lies in the fact that the anchor is currently the only anchor with an approval and therefore the stability of the scaffolding is always guaranteed, even with higher loads such as wind suction forces. The main advantage for the project is the anchor’s sustainability. It can be reused for any subsequent façade renovation. New anchors do not have to be installed again and again, which would weaken the masonry each time.”
About the person
Dipl.-Ing. Theo Schmies is a health and safety coordinator. He is appointed by the client for large construction sites when employees from different trades are active on a construction site. The background to this is the Ordinance on Safety and Health Protection on Construction Sites. Mr. Schmies is responsible for coordinating the legally required occupational health and safety measures and monitoring compliance.

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