Wessendorf is one of the innovation leaders 2018

Überlingen – For the 25th time, the TOP 100 competition has chosen the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. This year, Wessendorf Systembeschichtungen GmbH is one of these innovation leaders. This was the result of an analysis by the scientific director of TOP 100, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke. As a mentor of TOP 100, Ranga Yogeshwar honored the company from Emstek together with Franke and compamedia at the award ceremony in Ludwigsburg on 29 June 2018 as part of the 5th German SME Summit. In the independent selection process, the company with 54 employees particularly impressed with its innovative success.

Photo: KD Busch/compamedia

Since its foundation in 1880, Wessendorf Systembeschichtungen GmbH from Emstek in Lower Saxony has managed the difficult balancing act between craftsmanship and high-tech: from a painting and varnishing company, the TOP 100 company has become a hidden champion that is successful in three separate business areas: facade and floor systems in the construction industry and surface technology for the automotive industry. For the company with 54 employees, innovation is not a matter of prestige. Rather, in line with the company motto “Safe on, safe off”, the aim is to continuously improve products and processes. At the heart of these innovative efforts are the three holistic, systemic product lines “isoline”, “isyline” and “topline”. They are based on a unique modular principle that enables individual façade structures, floor systems and surface coatings – as a complete product and finished service from a single source. Processes such as “topprint covered”, the first tested pad printing process for durable printing on decorative parts on vehicles, also testify to the great innovative strength of the medium-sized company. And products such as “isorocket”, the multi-award-winning scaffolding anchor, which is the only permanent anchor that complies with DIN 4426 for masonry and concrete. “We simply try to be better than others,” says Managing Director Franz Wessendorf, “and we want to do noticeably more for the customer. That’s why we have to keep developing.”

TOP 100: the competition

Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success to medium-sized companies. The scientific management has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke since 2002. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The mentor of TOP 100 is the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW. As media partners, manager magazin, impulse and W&V accompany the company comparison.


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